Launching of a new Creative Europe project: Collaborative Innovation for Hybrid and Sustainability Uptake in Cultural and Creative Industries (Collab 4 HySust CCI)
European Cultural and Creative Sectors Join Forces to Innovate for Sustainable Growth
A new project called Collab 4 HySust has been launched by five cultural organizations across Europe. The project aims to enhance the capacity of the European cultural and creative sectors to innovate and generate sustainable, inclusive growth over three years.
The cultural and creative industries play a crucial role in driving innovation for sustainable change, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has forced European cultural organizations to adapt and strengthen their connections with audiences, including online. However, many projects aimed at supporting the cultural and creative industries face sustainability challenges due to a lack of internal capacity or policy support for cross-cutting priorities, especially in countries where cultural incubators are scarce.
The goal of the Collab 4 HySust project is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge among different EU regions and organizations with unique needs, aiming to transform CCI organizations and influence the communities they serve.
The project will involve 15 cultural and artistic initiatives from different European countries, focusing on two need areas: audiences and hybrid approaches, and sustainability in collaboration processes.
These initiatives will receive guidance, expert support, and a microgrant to undertake incubation-based prototyping efforts.
Collab 4 HySust sets out to contribute to the European Green Deal by pushing cultural operators to adopt eco-friendly practices and collaborate with their audiences to develop resilient communities. The initiative aims to shed light on a variety of interconnected societal and environmental shifts that encourage and permit modalities of active engagement in the culture and creative sectors.
The next step for the project is to conduct research and mapping to identify the challenges faced by CCI across Europe after the pandemic. This activity will be followed by establishing a knowledge sharing platform through organization of hybrid sessions dedicated to operators in the CCI and their communities.
The project partners include Materahub from Italy, Intercultura Consult from Bulgaria, Syn+ Ergasia from Greece, Det Flyvende Teater from Denmark, and Nova Iskra Creative Hub from Serbia.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.